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6 Signs that Your Car Tyres Need to Be Replaced

Added: (Mon May 23 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - If you want to confirm if a worn out or faulty tyre was a reason for a MOT failure in the past, go online and search check my MOT history . You will be able to access all the MOT completed on your car and see if the vehicle passed and failed. If failed, it will also state the reasons why and also have a section for 'advisory items' that needed attention.
While having a spare tyre can be useful at times, the risks of driving on tyres that have outlived their usefulness are substantial. As a result, knowing when your tyres need to be replaced is always beneficial.
Your tyres will give you the signals that it's time to say goodbye! All you need to do is recognise the warning indicators check MOT status and have the faulty or worn-out tyres replaced.
Here are six indicators to look out for:
1. Tread depth Reduction - When your tyre loses its tread depth, it's one of the first signs that it's time to be discarded. To be honest, many people have no idea what a tyre tread is, let alone what tread depth measurement is. If you fall into this category, pay special attention to the next statement. Maintaining the correct tread depth on your tyre is critical since losing tread depth affects grip and traction on the road, putting your safety at risk. If you check MOT expiry date of your car and realise that you still have a few months till it is due for renewal, we strongly recommend not to wait and have faulty tyres replaced immediately as this is a safety risk for you, your passengers and other road users. The tread depth can be measured by keeping an eye on the tread wear indicator incorporated into the tyre. These tread wear bars are usually not visible.However, they can be noticed if the tread depth has been exceeded. By doing the test, you can also determine the depth of your tyre tread. These signs appear when the tread depth is less than 1/16 inch. When tread wear bars are evident in two or three separate spots on the tyre, especially less than 120 degrees apart on the circle, your tyres should be replaced right away. Driving on tyres with less than the recommended tread depth is a criminal offence in the United Kingdom.

Submitted by:car services in Reading
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