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8 Things To Remember When Pairing Wine With Fish and Other Seafood

Added: (Tue Aug 23 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - When it comes to food and wine pairing, there are a few things you need to consider so that your overall experience is spectacular. During the summer, people tend to crave seafood, which then leads to the question, "How do you properly pair wine with fish and other seafood?" Read on as we list down the tips on pairing food with wine in restaurants in Rye.

Dry wine with fatty fish

If you're having something really fatty like catfish or lobsters, then you may want to pair this with the crisp and dry taste of white wine. If you're looking for wine ideas, try a pinot grigio or a Chenin blanc.

Chardonnay with shelled food

Raw oysters, crab, or even lobsters are best paired with white wine like chardonnay. The flavours of the shelled fish and that of the wine can really bring everything together. This would be perfect if you want to eat light on a romantic dinner out.

Sparkling wine with fried seafood

Sparkling wine, on the other hand, is perfect for things that are fried. Fried fish or other fried seafood is typically paired with light beer but if you're looking for a wine pairing, then sparkling wine should be at the top of that list.

The reason for this is that fried seafood or those made with tempura will feel heavy so you need a drink that could cut through all the weight of the food while providing you with a delicious aftertaste.

Sherry with shrimp

When people say "seafood," shrimp is probably one of the top food that comes to mind. If you are eating shrimp with wine, opt for a glass of sherry. It doesn't matter how the shrimp is cooked, whether it's steamed, cooked, or in a shrimp cocktail, dry sherry will go great with it.

White wine with mussels

Oftentimes, mussels are served in white wine sauce. With this, you can probably already gather that the best wine pairing for mussels is white wine. Opt for sauvignon blanc, chablis, or pinot grigio, which are chilled to perfection.

Light red wine with a full-flavoured fish

The next time you visit restaurants in Rye, order a glass of light red wine with a full-flavoured fish. Whether that's tuna, mackerel, marlin, or salmon, opt for a glass of light red as these go really well with this type of fish.

Rose with grilled fish

If you're planning to order anything that's grilled, such as tuna steak or swordfish, then you should know that these are best paired with a glass of rose. Rosé also goes perfectly well with any tomato-based seafood soups. If they don't have any rosé, then you can easily order full-bodied whites as an alternative.

Pinot noir with grilled salmon

The taste of grilled salmon is really strong, so you would need a glass of wine that can match its power. When it comes to grilled salmon, restaurants in Rye would advise you to drink it with pinot noir.

Enjoy all of these seafood and wine pairings in one of the best restaurants in Rye. Mix and match with all of the available flavors at The Ferry Inn.

Submitted by:Restaurants Rye
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