Home > Financial > Guaranteed 24% Returns with Smart Contract Secured HODL by HDDcoin

Guaranteed 24% Returns with Smart Contract Secured HODL by HDDcoin

Added: (Thu Feb 03 2022)

Pressbox (Press Release) - The development team for HDDcoin (symbol: HDD, https://hddcoin.org), a community-built digital currency forked from Chia™, recently launched HDDcoin HODL, a unique and secure investment program for HDDcoin holders.

HDDcoin HODL offers users a reward of up to 24% on their HDD cryptocurrency when they lock into a contract for specific durations of time. Investors chose the contract length that works best for them,
and they maintain full control of their coins at all times. Reward funds are guaranteed the moment the contract is created, as long as the investor does not choose to cancel the contract.

“HDDcoin HODL is designed to give HDDcoin holders an opportunity to use their coins and grow their investment in a predictable and low-risk way,” says K. Arhagba, co-founder of the Project.
“Our goal is to enhance the stability of HDDcoin, while encouraging growth and increasing the value of the cryptocurrency, HDD.”

The HDDcoin HODL program is secure and easy to use. It is a smart contract program, which means it is stored on the blockchain and automatically runs when the conditions of the contract are met.
The HDDcoin HODL smart contract eliminates any uncertainty, waiting or risk for the user. Transactions are fast, secure and totally transparent—there is no third party involved.
HODL Rewards are guaranteed by the contract and drawn from funds from the HDDcoin pre-farm, which have been reserved to support several years of the HODL program.
HDDcoin HODL smart contracts securely manage coins on the blockchain using a ChiaLisp (CLSP) Smart Coin Contract. CLSP is the on-chain programming language.

How do I get started?

Set up is easy. Users can simply download the HDDcoin client, available from https://hddcoin.org/download, setup a node, and start using the HODL features built into the client.
Users can validate the status of their HODL contract through the HDDcoin client or blockchain explorer. Within minutes of initiating a contract, the status enters the GUARANTEED
state and reward coins are added to the contract address. Attractive first year promo rates are available from January 15, 2022. Visit the HDDcoin HODL webpage for more information
about the HODL program, including registration instructions and reward rates: https://hddcoin.org/hodl.
HDD can be farmed using the HDDcoin client or purchased from a cryptocurrency exchange, like XT.com: https://xt.com/tradePro/hdd_usdt.
The HDDcoin exchanges page has more information about trading HDD: https://hddcoin.org/exchanges.

Need help?

The HDDcoin team primarily uses Discord to provide support and announce new application features. Join the community at https://discord.gg/5va3txyzVH. The team is also available to answer any questions on social media:
• Twitter – https://twitter.com/hddcoin
• Telegram – https://t.me/HDDcoin_Network
• Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/HDDcoinNetwork
• Reddit – https://www.reddit.com/r/HDDcoinNetwork
• YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChJY3YEOTDBvFJ0vLFEc1Sw

About HDDcoin

HDDcoin is an eco-friendly decentralization blockchain based on the Proof of Space and Time (PoST) consensus. It maintains network robustness, in line with Satoshi Nakamoto's principles.
HDDcoin uses the powerful and secure Chialisp language for Smart Contracts, and supports digital money, global payments and applications.

Farming HDDcoin does not consume significant amounts of electricity, and utilizes hard drive space, instead of specialized computing hardware that most Proof of Work (PoW) consensus blockchains have come to demand.
Moreover, since electrical energy costs for running hard drives is very minimal, due to this low cost of entry, HDDcoin will remain more decentralized and fair, and thus more secure than any Proof of Stake cryptocurrency.

HDDcoin core values include green cryptocurrency, long term value, building for the future, strength in community, and maintaining a huge team to ensure long term development. Learn more about HDDcoin at https://hddcoin.org. Find us on:
• CoinMarketCap – https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hddcoin
• CoinGecko – https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/hddcoin
• CoinBase – https://www.coinbase.com/price/hddcoin

Media contact
HDDcoin Press
‪(720) 432-7726‬

Submitted by:HDDcoin Press
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